Reiki Level I/ Heal Yourself (4 weeks): Beginning 2/21/2023
Certification runs for 4 Tuesdays : Beginning February 21, 2023
from 7 pm to 9 pm
Reiki is an ancient Oriental system of natural, holistic healing. Universal life-giving energy is passed from the practitioner to the client through the laying on of hands. A Reiki treatment can clarify, focus, increase and re-balance the energy in your body and those you treat. It has also been known to expedite the healing process from a surgery, relax and rejuvenate a stressed out body, mind, and spirit. In this course, you will learn the foundation methodology of Reiki for your personal practice and understand first hand how this practice can become a life-altering event. You will find Reiki to be a wondrous tool to use on yourself anytime you need it.
Reiki Level I Attunement will be given.
$185 includes:
The class manual.
All 4 week’s instruction.
Guided practice on offering Reiki to yourself.
Reiki I Attunement.
Reiki I Certification for all those who attend all 4 classes and complete the program at a satisfactory level.
Students MUST preregister to attend.
Please call 973-383-6847 or email cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com for more information.
Students must attend all 4 classes & submit all assignments by last class date. After satisfactory completion individuals may choose to continue on to take either Reiki II or Animal Reiki II. (Sorry no individual make-up classes.) (Classes run 2/21, 2/28, 3/7 & 3/14)
$185~ Class size is limited. Register Now.
No prior experience necessary.
Reiki Level II (5weeks): Beginning 7;00pm- 9 pm
Prerequisite: Must have completed Reiki Level I at a Satisfactory Level be Reiki I Certified, and have six months practice at the Reiki I Level.~ Open to all students from any lineage.
Learn the symbols and mantras of Reiki to deepen and enhance your Reiki practice.
Students will deepen their Reiki knowledge as well as practice offering Reiki to others.
Reiki Level II Attunement will be given.
Class includes lecture and “hands-on” practice.
Reiki II Certification given upon acceptable completion.
$195 per student-Special Early Bird Rate for those who register by
(SAVE $20).
$210 per student-Regular Registration
Runs for 5 consecutive weeks: .
You must preregister.
Class size is limited.
Students must attend all 5 classes & submit all assignments by last class date. After satisfactory completion, participants will receive their Reiki II Certification. (Sorry no individual make-up classes.)
Fresh Look on Life Reiki II review students may attend for JUST $100!
Animal Reiki Level II (5weeks):
Prerequisite: Must have completed Reiki Level I at a Satisfactory Level, be Reiki I Certified, and have six months practice at the Reiki I Level.
Learn the symbols and mantras of Reiki to deepen and enhance your Reiki practice.
Students will deepen their Reiki knowledge as well as practice offering Reiki to animals.
Reiki Level II Attunement will be given.
Class includes lecture and “hands-on” practice.
Animal Reiki II Certification given upon acceptable completion.
$210 per student.
You must preregister by calling 973-383-6847 or emailing cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com.
Class size is limited.
Students must attend all 5 classes.
Reiki II Level REVIEW (4 Weeks):
Prerequisite: Must have completed Reiki Level I & II at a Satisfactory Level, be certified at both levels.
Have you taken Reiki I & II and stopped practicing? Do you feel that you need somebody to “fill in the pieces” of your Reiki practice although you have taken Reik I & II already? Do you have a desire to move forward in your Reiki practice but you would like a little more instruction before confidently moving forward?
Reiki II Level REVIEW was designed with all of you in mind. I understand that every Reiki Curriculum is different. I also understand that sometimes life happens taking us away from our daily practice. This course was designed for the Reiki Practitioner that either has taken a break, feels they need some more clarity before they go to the next level, or if you just want to review before moving into Reiki III-ART Level.
Each participant will receive:
Hands-on instruction/practice
Level I & II Attunements
Lecture regarding the symbols, what Reiki is, and living the Reiki Precepts
$100 per student
Individuals who have taken both levels with me in the past may take this review and save!
Will run for 4 consecutive weeks weeks from 7:00-9:00 pm.
You must preregister by calling 973-383-6847 or emailing cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com.
Class size is limited.
Students must attend all scheduled classes.
Reiki III-ART Reiki Level:
Prerequisite: Must have completed Reiki Level I & II at a Satisfactory Level, be certified at both levels, six months practice at the Reiki II Level, and be granted permission from the Reiki Master/Teacher conducting the workshop. (Students from other Reiki Master/Teachers will be considered on an individual basis.)
Learn to send Reiki from a distance.
Students will be given Level III symbols
Continue hands-on practice
Reiki crystal grids will be discussed,
Reiki Level III Attunements will be given.
Class includes lecture and hands on practice.
Reiki III / ART Reiki Certification given upon acceptable completion.
$250 per student-Early Registration
$275 per student-Regular Registration
Will run for 4 consecutive weeks weeks from 7:00-9:00pm.
You must preregister by calling 973-383-6847 or emailing cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com.
Class size is limited.
Students must attend all scheduled classes.
Reiki Master/Teacher Level (50 weeks~100 hours):
Must have completed ART Reiki at a Satisfactory Level and be granted permission from the Reiki Master/Teacher conducting the lessons.
6 Months practice at the Reiki III/ART Level
Having had the privilege of studying under 3 different Master/Teacher’s, I have studied Reiki consisting of 2 different levels. If you have done some research on workshops offered to receive Reiki certifications you are aware that different Reiki Master/Teachers differ their workshops in length of time to complete and what is covered. I understand this difference because I studied and completed my Reiki Master/Teacher training three times under three different master/teachers. The length of studies can vary drastically from up to a year for one level to just eight to ten hours of study. The support you will receive after your certification is completed also varies drastically. This is also one of the reasons the effectiveness of Reiki Practitioners varies so drastically.
Students will:
Enhance their Reiki abilities
Continue/Strengthen their self-healing and offering to others.
Students will be given the Master symbols.
Continue hands-on practice.
Be given Reiki Master Attunements.
Learn how to give attunements.
Learn and understand what it means to truly “be” a Reiki Master Teacher and to live by the Reiki Precepts
You must preregister by calling 973-383-6847 or emailing cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com.
Class size is limited.
$1,950 per student
Students must attend all classes.
Reiki Mentorship:
Did you complete your Reiki training, but you need somebody who has years of experience offering and teaching to help you to get to the next level in your development? Is there an obstacle that you are currently facing and you want a caring mentor to help guide you through your journey?
Mentorships can are 1-on-1 tutoring programs to help you to meet your Reiki development needs.
They can be scheduled in person, via Skype, phone, email, or FaceTime.
Mentorships can be scheduled for the length of time that meets your needs and goals for development.
Scheduling can start at any time.
Pricing will vary depending on the length or your mentorship. Packages are available for those who wish to have a mentorship program of 5 weeks or more.
Contact Cindy to schedule a time to start moving forward in your Reiki development.
Phone 973-383-6847
Email cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com
Monthly Reiki Share:
Come share the gift of Reiki with other Reiki Practitioners. You must have completed at least Reiki Level II to attend. We welcome all lineages. Gather and share your gift and receive from others. We will have a short discussion, share in a guided meditation, and enjoy some “table time”. Meet “like-minded” individuals and be open to receiving whatever is dedicated to your highest good.
from 7-9pm
For more information email cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com or call 973-383-6847.
You must RSVP if you plan to attend.
$25 per attendee per date.