ONLINE-Tuning into Your Inner Knowledge- Develop Your Intuition-3 weeks (1 ½ hour each week)
Location: Online
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this workshop.
Class begins- from 7:30-9pm
Has your desire to stay in your cozy home on winter nights kept you feeling like you have hibernated for the winter? Do you want to have a better understanding of yourself, others, the world around you? You can take part in a workshop designed to help you tune into your intuition right from your own home! Get reconnected to the outside world and yourself. This is the first time this class is offered online. This course will give a solid foundation for those wishing to learn to tune into their inner voice/intuition.
It will cover:
The “clairs”- what they mean, and help you discover where your strengths are.
Each class will have a guided meditation to help you to remove blocks preventing you from tuning into your intuition.
There will be time for a short period of “mini-readings” and questions/answers.
This is suitable for beginners or those wishing to review the foundation and take part in the relaxing meditations to assist them in moving forward in their development.
Sign up early to reserve your spot and receive the early bird discount!
Early Registration-$75 ()
Regular registration-$85 (After )
Develop Your Intuition-Level 1 (Friday night & Saturday):
Have you had moments when you “know” who is calling when the phone rings? Are there times that you feel like you should have followed your “gut feelings” but you find it hard to tell when you are really being intuitively guided? Do you want to strengthen your intuition?
Learn to pay attention to the subtle and not so subtle messages that you receive every day.
Understand where we can receive these messages. Look at patterns in your life to determine what has worked and what you are missing.
Discover where your strengths lie so that you can develop this natural gift stronger.
All classes will include lecture, discussion, and hands on application of what you have learned.
Certificate of attendance given to each participant who attends the entire workshop.
Participants should bring their own Angel or Tarot Cards with them to class.***
Date- ~10am-3pm.
Class size limited.
Click on the “Buy Now” button below to reserve your spot in class now.
$140 per student.
Early Registration~ $120 per student-Register by May 31, 2016 and save!
Previous Fresh Look on Life Develop Your Intuition Level 1 Students may retake the workshop for JUST 65!
E-mail cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com or call 973-383-6847 for details.
You must preregister by calling 973-383-6847 or emailing cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com.
No prior experience necessary
Develop Your Intuition-Level 1 (4 weeks):
Have you had moments when you “know” who is calling when the phone rings? Are there times that you feel like you should have followed your “gut feelings” but you find it hard to tell when you are really being intuitively guided? Do you want to strengthen your intuition?
Learn to pay attention to the subtle and not so subtle messages that you receive every day.
Understand where we can receive these messages. Look at patterns in your life to determine what has worked and what you are missing.
Discover where your strengths lie so that you can develop this natural gift stronger.
All classes will include lecture, discussion, and hands on application of what you have learned.
Certificate of attendance given to each participant who attends the entire workshop.
Date-TBT ~4 consecutive weeks) 7:30-9:00pm.
Class size limited.
Click on the “Buy Now” button below to reserve your spot in class now.
$160 per student.
Early Registration~ $120 per student
Previous Fresh Look on Life Develop Your Intuition Level 1 Students may retake the workshop for JUST 65!
E-mail cindy (at) freshlookononlife (dot) com or call 973-383-6847 for details.
You must preregister by calling 973-383-6847 or emailing cindy (at) freshlookonlife (dot) com.
No prior experience necessary