Fresh Look On LifeHappy February! I hope that you are enjoying this beautiful day if you are on my side of the globe! Here in NJ, we are experiencing a reprieve from the blustery winter weather and enjoying some sunshine! I love seeing the sunshine. Speaking of love~ it is February- the month that reminds us to care for our hearts! Do you proactively care for your heart? That question means something different to everybody. I think about my diet, exercising and keeping my heart happy with positive emotions. I do this every day by focusing on a well-balanced diet, exercising, practicing daily self-care of Reiki and seeing my doctor regularly. I also do things I love like starting new projects and seeing some of you at my office. That makes my heart very happy!
I would like to share some of these new projects with you. As many of you know, I have been doing my weekly television show for quite some time and in December it was rolled out to the Manhattan, NY market. I have been getting some very positive feedback on the show. This month I will be bringing in new topics and even a new recurring segment that I am sure you will love! This month, I will also be partnering with a colleague of mine named Frankie Picasso from Toronto, ON to begin airing, the first of its kind, an all positive international radio show. It will be airing 1 x a week on Wednesday’s at 1 pm EST. The title of the show is Crazy Good Radio and our tagline is “helping you find the beauty in life~ even when you think it’s not pretty.” It will be upbeat and always leave you with a positive message so please check out our fanpage or for our next show and details of how to listen in.
My business continues to grow from referrals from many of you. Thank you so much for your trust in referring your friends and family!
If you haven’t yet, please like my fanpage on facebook I post the occasional uplifting quote and also fill you in on specials that are available only to facebook fans.
Once again, I would like to thank you for your continued support. I look forward to seeing you soon! I hope you are doing something this month that makes your heart happy too!
I wish you peace, love, and joy beyond your imagination! Cindy 973-383-6847
Check out February’s classes/events!
Guided Meditation: Monday, February 17, 2014:
Location: Augusta, NJ Have you always wanted to quiet your mind and never knew how? Come and learn how to leave your stresses behind and quiet your mind. This is excellent for your well-being, stress reduction, and to kick start a depressed immune system.
Each month is a new workshop and a new journey within your mind on your guided meditation. The class will include a discussion on furthering your meditation practice and a guided meditation. The class will include a discussion on furthering your meditation practice and a guided meditation to:
if you are open to it.
Class size is limited.
Date- Monday, February 17, 2014 from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.
$15 per attendee -if you preregister by clicking on the link below.
$20 at the door if space is still open.
Class size is limited. Reserve your spot by going to
For more information email [email protected] or call 973-383-6847.
Healing Angels Of The Energy Field Training class Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this class. Do you want to learn more about angels that anybody can call upon for healing? Are you an energy worker who would like to add an angelic dimension to your sessions? Are you a practicing IET student who wants to learn more about the nine special angels healing angels?
Who should take the Healing Angels Of the Energy Field Training class?
The “Healing Angels” class is perfect for students who do not have any Integrated Energy Therapy® Training but who love angels and who would like to meet and work with the nine special angels of healing (Ariel, Raphael, Gabriel, Celestina, Faith, Cassiel, Daniel, Sarah, and Michael). or It is also ideal for IET students who want to learn to call upon the Healing Angels and add a special spiritual dimension to their sessions.
You will learn the special healing gift that each angel brings and a special prayer of invitation to call upon the angel. Everyone from angel novice to expert can benefit from this class. Only IET Master-Instructors are authorized to teach this class.
Class includes:
Date: Tuesday nights (2/18, 2/25, 3/4, & 3/11) Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Class Fee: $111.00- US To register go to You must pre-register to attend!
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