Group Past Life Regression: “A Journey into Another Life”:
Location: Augusta, NJ
Time: 7:30 to 9:00pm
Have you had déjà vu, but known that you could not have had the experience in this life before? Do you naturally gravitate toward different areas of the country, unique interests or have an uncanny ability that was uncovered later in life? Are you currently facing an obstacle that makes you feels like you are a gerbil running on a wheel but not getting anywhere?
Past life regression is a tool that can assist you in uncovering the knowledge that you have within. Get new answers to old questions, explore where talents may have originated or just have some fun. Take a journey into another lifetime through hypnosis to gain insight into obstacles that you are currently facing.
Each participant will:
- Take part in a short discussion and lecture of what a past life regression is.
- Go on a journey to another lifetime to obtain lessons that can be applied to obstacles they are currently facing if it is appropriate.
Regular Registration Fee-$55
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis:Date-TBD
(download included)
4 weeks 6:00-7:00pm
Have you tried to stop smoking in the past only to grab for cigarettes when you get stressed? Are you ready to give up smoking? Do you want to take a workshop that if you allow it will help you relieve stress, improve your health and overcome the habit of smoking?
Hypnosis is voluntary focused concentration. In the relaxed state of hypnosis a client is more open to accepting the helpful suggestions offered to your subconscious.
Did you know that there is a positive reason that your body has an “unhealthy habit”? Perhaps you have tried to stop smoking in the past. Perhaps you have even tried hypnosis to stop smoking in the past. My program is designed to get to the root cause of the habit and then offer suggestions to persuade you to give up smoking.
*Please only sign up for this program if you are ready to quit. Nobody can make you do anything you are not ready to do; not even under hypnosis.
CD included in reinforce the helpful changes that your subconscious mind accepts and to promote stress relief.
Trim Your Thoughts~ Trim Your Body-Hypnosis for Weight Loss: (3 weeks)
3 weeks (1 hour) (Please come ½ hour early if you wish to “weigh in”.)
Are you ready to go swimsuit shopping? Have you picked out the perfect skinny outfit tor wear to an upcoming reunion, event or picnic, but you would like a little support to help you look and feel your best? Have you tried to lose weight in the past, but have found yourself on yo-yo diets? Often the missing component to making lasting change is altering the mind to help you to make the healthy changes that you desire.
Hypnosis is voluntary focused concentration. In the relaxed state of hypnosis a client is more open to accepting the helpful suggestions offered to your subconscious.
Come join the group weight loss program that will kick start your weight loss and offer you an opportunity to even get a “buddy” to support you through the process.
Each in-person 3 week attendee will receive:
- A cd to listen to at home to reinforce the helpful changes that your subconscious mind accepts and to promote stress relief.
- Optional “weigh ins”
- Buddy system for support
- All 3 group hypnosis sessions
Early bird savings available if you register by ~3 Week Package-$120
Click below to purchase the 3 Week Package now and show up to your summer events feeling and looking your best!